The Financial Bubble 2021

the financial bubble 2021

Joe Biden, the newly elected US President is just about to face a number of issues that will be almost impossible to tackle. One of them is the financial bubble 2021.

The social and political divisions in the US cannot be cured by optimistic calls for unity. Then there is the moral duty to do something about the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, sooner rather than later the President will have to deal with the effects of the largest financial bubble ever in the history of the United States of America.

When I say the largest financial bubble ever I am dead serious about it. We are currently living in the largest financial bubble because it includes almost all available assets thanks to the Federal Reserve.

Reasons Behind the Financial Bubble 2021

The Fed’s Irrational Policy

The Fed willingly encouraged investors to buy overpriced assets. Dealing with the Fed’s irrational policy will be a very difficult task. In fact, it will be of the same magnitude as the gold standard exit in the early 70s was, or dealing with the high inflation numbers in the early 80s.

It will take strong political action and a full review of the country’s monetary policy.

The ex-Fed president and now the US secretary of the treasury will not be much of a help. Mrs. Yellen walked the same path set by Allan Greenspan. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just her, all her predecessors did the same.

Alan Greenspan’s recipe during a crisis was to reduce interest rates and thus extend enormously Fed’s balance sheet.

Every time the Fed intervened to “help the economy” by just lowering interest rates, what it actually did was to set up the conditions for the current bubble and consequently the oncoming financial crisis.

Inflation Gradually Accelerates

Nonetheless, this game is now over. Inflation is slowly picking up and personal spending has risen 1,5% more than expected. Certainly, this is not much but in the middle of the covid19 pandemic that number gives us an indication that it will continue to rise.

The truth of the matter is that nobody paid any attention to these figures as everyone followed the GameStop media frenzy.

The Fed’s Money Printing

the financial bubble 2021

The Fed prints money nonstop. This way it finances a large chunk of the government deficit. The huge amount of money the Fed has created always finds a way to come out of the banking system. At the same time, there are extensive restrictions in the food chain, processing, manufacturing, and in-services.

Free Money is About to End

The oncoming inflation hike will force the Fed to tighten up its monetary policy. The Fed stretches out moves like that will be slow and take time. However, the markets always react before the Fed, especially in a crisis situation as fear takes over.

No matter which way you turn there are signs of a wild derailment. Most investment and market analysts see it coming, except the bankers. It is expected that most types of investments to lose money over the next years.

The Stock Market Bubble

When it comes to the index that really matters, the index that predicts real returns things do not look good. The US stock market is overpriced in fact, its value is similar to 1929, 2001, and just before the 2008 global financial crisis.

All stock market bubbles tend to keep up with fast credit expansion and the credit expansion we are seeing right now is not the exemption. Business debt compared to GDP has exploded over the last few years. One of the reasons for that was the large GDP drop.

In my mind, the stock market bubble that is on its way will be one of the worst ever. That stock market disaster will be the result of the effects of the financial bubble 2021.

In the past, when the stock market was facing difficulties investors had the opportunity to put their money in government bonds. Nowadays this is not viable. Government bonds in Europe and Japan tend to offer zero or negative interest rates. The return of the US bonds is 1,1% right now, which is poor.

It will also be a bad idea for the investor to buy private company debt. Private company debt is also not worth investing in. Their returns are at all-time historical lows. Even the high-risk bond returns have never been lower.

It looks like there will be a time when investors won’t find a place that offers decent returns to put their money.

The Fed Will Take Swift Action

When investors are about to face a financial crisis, the same goes for the Fed and the White House. The Fed’s duty will be to move carefully because nobody wants the markets to panic. If the markets should panic then, billions of dollars could be lost overnight.

the financial bubble 2021

Nevertheless, seeing the oncoming crisis and doing nothing to deal with it is not politically correct. Inflation has a negative impact. It affects the poor more than the rich. A development like that doesn’t do much for social justice, and the politicians will always step up and do something about it. Unfortunately, in most cases what they do doesn’t always work.

Many of you will disagree with me and there is nothing wrong with that. However, in the next few months, we are about to find out how big is the hole the Fed has created. How much it will damage the markets, the bank itself, the ordinary folk out there, and the US.

Final Words

All data indicates that 2021 will be a very interesting year. The financial bubble 2021 built by the Fed will explode with huge implications for the economy and all investors.

When the world’s largest economy gets in trouble then the global economy suffers too. A US financial crisis will turn into a world financial crisis, with stock markets around the world crashing.

Most assets will suffer great losses except for gold and other precious metals. Many market analysts argue cryptocurrencies could also be a safe place to be during those times. I still think cryptos are too unstable but there is a belief that cryptos might attract funds.

Everybody knows gold is a safe haven during bad times. It always has been and it will always be. Every time there has been a crisis situation gold has been called upon to save the day and never disappointed. It always has been and it will always be.

Gold is a non-correlated asset which means when all other mainstream assets take a downturn gold tends to move the opposite way and it actually sees its value grow.

========>The oncoming financial crisis could decimate your life savings. Press here to see how an alternative assets retirement fund will protect your life savings.



Why Invest in Gold IRA?

Why Invest in Gold IRA?

An investor always wonders whether he/she has made the right decision. In this article I will analyze the importance of a gold IRA investment and why invest in a gold IRA. All financial experts have one basic rule and they always follow it. Never put all eggs in one basket. A self-directed gold IRA is the investment that will definitely ensure your eggs are not all in one basket.

What is Gold IRA Investment

A gold IRA investment is an individual retirement account, an account that functions the same way as a regular IRA account however, instead of holding paper assets, it holds physical bullion coins or bars.

Gold Could Save Your IRA

You may regret if you choose a conventional IRA or 401(k) investment with a bank or brokerage firm. The oncoming financial crisis is expected to decimate traditional investment assets. Stocks, bonds, and so on will see their prices drop substantially. That means your, life savings could perish overnight, and in the end, there won’t be enough savings for you to retire.

Since most IRA accounts are invested in traditional assets, and since all these assets move downwards or upwards together, (correlated assets) there must be another asset that does the opposite.

On the other side gold is a non-correlated asset. (an asset whose value isn’t tied to larger fluctuations in the traditional market) In fact, gold always does well in times of crisis. Call it a financial crisis, recession, geopolitical tensions, war, covid-19, trade war, whatever the case is, gold not only maintains its value but also sees significant gains.

Black Monday1987 Iraq-Kuwait War1990 Dot Com Crash2001 Financial Crisis2008
Stock Market Decline -38.9 -22.5 -27% -34%
Gold Price Results +5% +7.5% +1% +5%
Gold Outperformed Stocks By Ratio 45:1 31:1 29:1 40:1

More Reasons for a Gold IRA

1-Diversification. There is no doubt that IRAs are suited for portfolio diversification in case, economic and world news cause another drop in the stock market.

2-Protects your investment from inflation. Gold is a hedge against inflation. During the years of the highest inflation after World War 2 (1946, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980), the average real return of the Dow Jones Industrial Average was -13.33% compared to 130.5% for gold. Now in 2020, we expect inflation to come back. The never-ending money printing by the Fed and the ECB’s stimulus program will trigger a worldwide interest rate explosion.

3-Gold is a tangible asset. Traditional investing is putting money in the stock market, buying certificates of deposit, or buying bonds. These are not tangible assets. In fact, it could take time for you to convert these investments into cash. For example, if you invest in CDs or bonds you may have to wait for a number of years before you receive a return. If you want to terminate your CD investment and wish to withdraw early, you might have to pay a penalty. This is not the case with gold or silver as you can convert your coins or bars into cash immediately, as the demand for precious metals is constant.

4-Increasing demand for gold and silver industrial use. Both precious metals have a growing demand for industrial use. In particular, they are used in smartphones, computers, medicine, and nanotechnology. And if we consider the massive precious metals demand for jewelry, only then we get the full picture.

5-Gold is not a claim on someone else’s liability. Gold has never lost its value for mismanagement, corruption, theft, war, etc. Stocks have. Also, there has never been and never been a haircut to gold as it’s been happening with debts and savings.

6-Geopolitical uncertainty. Geopolitical tensions are growing, the Middle East is still in turmoil. Syria and Iran are under Russian control, and the United States has lost its credibility. Hong Kong tensions never stop, Brexit deal, and North Korea continues to be upset with its unruly behavior.

7-The US-China trade war. There is no doubt the trade war between the two superpowers has interrupted the markets and global economy. The uncertainty these actions cause is good news for gold.

8-The weak dollar. Gold moves in the opposite direction of the American dollar and the dollar has never been weaker. The never-ending money printing will cause the dollar to continue its downward trend. I am afraid the US dollar will be weak for a long time.

9-The COVID-19 caused crisis. The coronavirus has caused an unprecedented financial and economic crisis. The impact of the crisis on the global economy is still unknown. However, what we know is that the economic downturn in Western economies during the second and third quarters of the year will be between at least -15%.

A traditional IRA fund consists of traditional assets. But when you open a self-directed IRA, you are empowered to make your future secure after retirement. The experts will help you to make investment decisions and choose a precious metal coin, bullion, and bars to invest in.

Why Invest in Gold IRA?Choosing the Right Gold IRA Company

A traditional IRA fund consists of traditional assets. But when you open a self-directed IRA, you are empowered to make your future secure after retirement. The experts will help you to make investment decisions and choose a precious metal coin, bullion, and bars to invest in.

Choosing a gold IRA company could be a headache. A gold IRA company that respects itself and its clients should not take more than seven days to complete processing and shipping. It should also offer segregated gold storage, a low-fee policy, and a buyback program.

Remember these people will have to handle your savings, therefore they must have a proven track record, and a reputation to follow.

More Gold IRA Benefits

  • Tax Benefits
  • Flexibility & Freedom
  • Investment Diversification
  • Great Growth Potential
  • Portfolio Protection from Unexpected Events

Final Words

There is no doubt that we are going through uncertain times. There is an unprecedented economic crisis on the way. Businesses are already closing, the stock market is overvalued and expected to suffer heavy losses, the coronavirus is here to stay and the vaccine will not be available till March or April 2021.

In addition, unemployment is rising and there is social unrest in the community. People are angry because of the economic uncertainty and they do not trust politicians.

A gold IRA is the right investment now. It will ensure that your savings will not perish overnight due to the oncoming crisis.